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Writing: Journal 1 (see below)
Listening (recommended): On the Media - NPR
Project: Public issue proposal (Journal 1 below)
Reading (required):
- A Cultural Approach to Communication - James Carey (ch. 1)
- Developing Effective Communications - Dick Lee
- Self through Media Shifts - Clark, Noack & Sanders
- Journal One - Briefly describe an important public issue. Why is this issue important to you? How does this issue impact society as a whole? How can you use mass communication to effect public opinion about this issue?
Sleeping with the enemy
New York City it’s facing the epidemic of Bedbugs. That had spread through the entire city, Schools, Buildings, Homes, and Luxury Hotels. Many New Yorkers are infesting in their apartments, or home with Bedbugs, it does not matter your social status, if you are rich or poor. No one can escape of having them at home.
How to identify them?
They are reddish-brown and flat. They hide in beds, picture frames and stereos. In addiction, they’re like vampire since they hide during the day and come out at night to bite and feed on human blood, biting people in their sleep and leave itchy skin welts.
Victim of Bedbugs
I have been going through this experience living with the enemy. In October 2006 I found out that I had Bedbugs in the house. My children were getting up with many bites and itchy skin in the morning. One day my daughter Adriana found on of the critters during her sleep. The next day I felt frustrated and threw everything out on the sidewalk. I put a sign do not take bed, matters, because they were contaminated with Bedbugs. Whoever took the furniture did not care about health related situation.
What I have been doing to get rid off Bedbugs?
I have been exterminating the house for almost 14 months. I have spent about $ 2,500 to get rid off them. Also, I have been planning to buy new beds for my children. They are not having any bites at all; it seems to be that we are wining the battle.
According to “The female hatches as many as 500 eggs a year, and they can survive for a year and a half without a blood meal,” They’re at home in every neighborhood in the city, including Park Ave. and Fifth Avenue.” The small, wingless, rust-colored insect hitch rides on clothing, luggage, furniture, bedding, book bags, even shoelaces. They’ve been spotted in cabs and limos, as well as on buses and subways. Those travel patterns account for the 1.708 verified bedbug cases in 277 public housing project this year, the city Housing Authority says, The Department of Education has documented another 74 cases, spread across 50 schools.”
It is very important for Department of Environment to control this epidemic of Bedbugs in New York City. Any family in New York City must call 311 to complaint public housing, schools or any other institutions.
Martha Fuentes
Importance: We have to pay and have no say as to where and when to spend or distribute these funds.
Impact on Society: Work hard to supply need of many, wven some who abuse the system.
Social Services: Welfare, Foodstamps
ex: Drug users, Child busers/killers (Nixmary Brown), and War; when will we have say over this spending; how can we have say over this spending; and once our soldiers come home where are thier services?
Heya class.
For the first reading (by James Carey), read only chapter one titled "A cultural approach to communcation" (pp. 13 - 36). Because it is on Google Books, you will not be able to print it out, which means you will need to skim through it online. The second and third readings are both websites that can be printed out to read later. The first is only one webpage long. The second contains four separate webpages (Orality, Medieval Scribability, Print Culture and Electronic Culture).
The listening assignment is recommended, but not mandatory. To listen to the program, simply click on the link to visit the "On the Media" webiste. From here, you have several options for listening: 1) click on the link titled "Stream" to listen to the program directly from the web; 2) click on "Download" to save the program to your computer to listen to it later; or 3) click on "MP3/Podcast" to subscribe to the program to listen to on your iPod. The final listening option is to tune in to WNYC (New York Public radio) to hear the program on your radio. "On the Media" airs on Saturday mornings from 8-9am at WNYC AMStation 820 and two times on Sundays: 10-11am at WNYC FMStation 93.9 and 3-4pm at WNYC AM station 820.
Hope you all enjoy... Professor Jen
Apartment will travel!
The issue presented here is about the problem with homelessness. This is a crisis which is not looking too good. Landlords seem to have gotten out of control in New York City, and other places with charging so much rent, which caused men, women, and families to be out in the cold, because they are unable to keep up with the high rents. Apartments are becoming unaffordable. With all the new high rise buildings going up all over the city and other communities in the five boroughs, the rents are up as well. This leaves the poor of the city out, and the middle class are just about in the same boat. Most jobs are not paying their employees a cost of living wage therefore, to meet the guide line to help prevent homelessness, some people have to find a second job in order to pay the rent. This issue is very important to me, because I had a client with a small child who was evicted out of her apartment with her child. She came down to social services for help and at the same time, she was about to take her life and her child's as well. Between my supervisor and myself, we were able to talk her out of it and had gotten her the help she needed. This young girl was not crazy or anthing, but situations like that can cause a person to loose it when they feel there is no hope. This person had gotten the help she needed, and a very good apartment in the process, because we had to fight hard for her. What I can do to help in providing help with this issue, is to go before congress and present the issue at hand with the homelessness population report. In addition, use the different channels through news papers, television, talking with sentors,and other politicians and don't stop until something is done. If they want to get elected in office, then they must work on bring an end to this fast moving crisis of homelessness.
Linda Shorts
“On the Media”
The show hosted by Sebastian Krueger was aired on January 20, 2006 and titled as “Medicine Show”. Kevin Trudeau, the author of “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, and the host of late night infomercials is very adamant and takes a stance that the FDA is aware that natural cures are available to help people but does not want to prevent the drug companies from manufacturing their expensive drugs. I chose this show because I actually have this book (only read two pages so far). The idea of natural cures in a book impressed me because growing up in the West Indies a home remedy was administered for almost any ailment. Whether the ailment is the flu or severe cramping there was always a bush or tree bark that would be boiled and administered.
Today going to the doctor is like a social excursion, you spend anywhere from one to sometimes two hours in a doctor’s waiting room. By the time you actually see the doctor sometime for less than ten minutes; you can be the recipient of a prescription drug can either make or break you. Kevin Trudeau believes that “There are natural, non-drug and non-surgical ways to cure and prevent virtually every disease. The drug companies do not want people to know about them because it'll cost them too much money”. I do believe that some natural cures exist to cure certain illnesses but I think that some of drugs are required to combat certain illness.
Yvette S.
There are several important issues that are important to me, but healthcare is most and foremost. I have been exposed to various aspects of healthcare. I worked at a job a long time ago which actually offered benefits but the deductions for medical and dental coverage was just too costly for my meager wages. Between the weekly deductions and co-payments, I was barely able to make it. Then there was a period of time when I had no coverage, that’s when things started to heat up. A lab visit for one of my children ranged any where from $150 to $200. A well child visit with the pediatrician can be anywhere from $90.00 to $120.00. Today I am thankful that I have employment that offers a comprehensive medical and dental package at no cost to me.
However, according to an article by Kate Stone Lombardi of The New York Times, Nationally, 41.2 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a report released by the Census Bureau this year. In New York, the percentage of those without coverage is almost 16 percent, higher than the national average of 14.6 percent (April 6, 2003). I am concerned about this issue of lack of healthcare because the people most affected are children and underserved communities.
The US Census Bureau has indicated that people without health insurance have increased both in numbers and percentages. “Both the percentage and the number of people without health insurance increased in 2006. The percentage without health insurance increased from 15.3 percent in 2005 to 15.8 percent in 2006, and the number of uninsured increased from 44.8 million to 47.0 million”. This impacts society in ways that are causing people to feel suffocated in their own skin. Imagine a parent with a sick child and no health benefits it would be undeniably worrisome to watch a child suffer and not be able to offer this child the necessary medical. I believe lack of healthcare creates illness, unnecessary stress, high blood pressure, mental illness. I think that community leaders should advocate more on behalf of their communities and secure funding that will allow for more health centers to be built in underserved communities. Mass media could play a better role in bringing this issue to the forefront instead spending so much time on celebrities and how they live.
Yvette S.
Rats in MTA NYCT subway system
This issue in my opinion is out of control. It has gotten so bad that you can look at the rats and tell if a train is about to arrive in the station. Another area is the fact the MTA has allowed food vendors into the subway station platforms. The rats,mice and even pigeons are being feed on a constant bases but we (as a group) are not able to feed the homeless. There should be enough food to feed both. This impacts society because these rodents are all over the place, not just tracks but they are on the platforms and they are looking at you as if you do not belong at the station. Our customers that travel late at night should not have to be subject to these conditions. Sone elderly customers are not as awift as we are so they are likely to be attacked by these rodents. The employees are also effected; they must work under these conditions for a minimum of eight hours a day.
Just like bedbugs, The Department of Enviroment should be notified.
Denise W.
Know place to go
"A paycheck away from being Homeless" is a valid statement today in the United States. this should be a concern for all and it can happen to us because jobs are being outsourced to India, Russia and Latin America. To see a homeless person make me wonder what is being accomplished with all the funds being allocatd to Shelters, etc.; or,better yet, where are the progtams to assist the homeless with getting back on their feet and being reintroduced back into society. We read and hear communications regarding what is available to the homeless but the numbers are growing.
According to The National Coalition For The Homeless,"there are between 30,000 and 7,000,000 homeless people in America. Homelessness is a complex problem, so not all homelessness is caused by one particular reason. First, the most serious cause of homeless is unemployment.
If you and I lost our jobs, how long could we survive on savings and help from our families? Once upon a time the homeless problem was predominately in inner cities; however, every city in American is affected. What can be done?
Denise Bradley
There are many isssues facing hard working middle class New Yorkers today. The one I will chose is childhood obesity. With some immigrant families they think they have accomplished the American dream if their children have an abundance of food to eat. Today's children also have no place to go and exercise. Years ago children played outside from the time they got home from school until the went in for supper. They also had gym in school. But, today both parents work until late in the evening and schools are more worried with test scores, so gym class is pushed out in favor of more test prep. I see an increase in young children with high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and most of all being outcast by their peers in school. In my school 67% of the third and fourth graders are overweight.
The impact on society is great. Children miss many days of school due to illnesses. They also cause a burden on the already 'stretched to thin' healthcare system.
We can use mass communication provide parents and children with the knowledge of making healthy food choices.
Dana Fernandez
What’s Cholesterol Got to Do With It?
Cholesterol plays a key role in heart disease is so tightly woven into modern medical thinking that it is no longer considered open to question. This is the message that emerged all too clearly from the recent news that the drug Vytorin had fared no better in clinical trials than the statin therapy it was meant to supplant. Vytorin is a combination of cholesterol-lowering drugs, one called Zetia and the other a statin called Zocor. Because the two drugs lower LDL cholesterol by different mechanisms, the makers of Vytorin (Merck and Schering-Plough) assumed that their double-barreled therapy would lower it more than either drug alone, which it did, and so do a better job of slowing the accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries — which it did not.
The other important piece of evidence for the cholesterol hypothesis is that statin drugs like Zocor and Lipitor lower LDL cholesterol and also prevent heart attacks. The higher the potency of statins, the greater the cholesterol lowering and the fewer the heart attacks. This is perceived as implying cause and effect: statins reduce LDL cholesterol and prevent heart disease, so reducing LDL cholesterol prevents heart disease. This belief is held with such conviction that the Food and Drug Administration now approves drugs to prevent heart disease, as it did with Zetia, solely on the evidence that they lower LDL cholesterol. But the logic is specious because most drugs have multiple actions. It’s like insisting that aspirin prevents heart disease by getting rid of headaches. This issue is important to me because I have high cholesterol and I am taking Lipitor and I am always reading issues that are related to the cause. Mass communication can alert and educate the public about this issue. The general public need to know that heart attacks kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, statin therapy can save lives, and skepticism might be perceived as a reason to delay action. So let’s just trust our assumptions, get people to change their diets and put high-risk people on statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Sharon Teekasingh
I will choose education as my public issue. I do not agree with the fact that teachers are to be graded by how well a student does in their class. The childeren do go home to their parents of course, if they do not then that is a different story. As i was saying Children should not only be learning at school the education should be continued at home as well, this is a tremendous amount of hardship to put on the student and the teacher especially when they are not reiciving the help they need, i mean the teachers and the students. Mass Meida can a very big part if we can show parents that thier active participation in their child education is very important to thier grades and would very appricated by the teacher as well. I have 12 yr.old and his first reportcard in the sixth grade he recived a 55 in math. I must have had a outter body expierence because i cleared out his room and he was on punishment until the next RC, do you know this child recived a 95 in math, i could have knocked him out. This is what i mean by you can't just leave it up to the teacher because that is only one person. You know the saying It takes a villiage to raise a child,well same goes for education
Octavia Hallett
Recently I read an article on how kids are becoming bored with reading. This subject is a nationwide public problem. I for one, and I am sure many others have the same concern. Our kids are reading less and have no interest in reading more. We need to reach these kids, because the end result of not reading will ultimately lead to our country’s culture, economy and civic life. The article also gave key points in getting kids to read more. It suggested that we let the kids read what they choose, and what they like and want to read (age appropriate, of course), and expand the definition of reading to include nonfiction, humor, magazines and even websites. Also be a good model, along with avoiding condemning TV, computer games and technology. Instead talk to kids about how reading will enable them to become people with informed opinions and choices, as well as how entertaining reading is. This is a nationwide public problem that will affect each of us in many ways regardless of social status. In borrowing a famous quote which has already revealed itself, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
Catherine Lewis
Social Security
The United States of America is on the brink of a national retirement security crisis. Although President Bush has assured Americans that, he would not change the Social Security system in any way for those born before 1950. But we have a election coming up for a new president what will he/she do.
Social Security is important to me because in three years, I will be able to retire and collect full benefit, and it will be an important part of my source of revenue to assist me with the rising cost of health care and prescription drugs.
This issue has a great impact on society as a whole because it not only pertains to the elderly,but it also pertains to younger disabled individuals as well as people in their twenties now. When the younger generation reaches retirement age, will Social Security be there for them.
We can use mass communication to let other who do not know or understand by making appearances such as visiting community centers, churches,handing out flyers, and creating a public blog focusing on strengthening Social Security for now and future generations.
Betty Corbett
The handcuffing of children is an extreme example of the mistreatment thousands of students face. I have a problem with this matter becaue it is happening too many times and for what reason. Here it is you send your child to school to learn and then this incident occurs. O.k. there may be a few disobedient children or misbehaved but not a five-year or any young child to be handcuffed for misbehaving. This is absolutely ludicrous. This is only happening in the NYC Public School System, but then again wherever it is happening it should be stopped immediately. When I was going to school some years ago,lolo, this was not even heard of. What! Never did this kind of behavior occur.This is another example of failure on the city's part to meet the challenges of educating children, especially when they are experiencing such a traumatic trauma. When is such a behavior as this permissible or what is it going to take for this kind of behavior to cease. As many of us parents mentioned and I have read a thousand times over, no punishment is that severe where a child has to be restrained in handcuffs, let alone taking a trip to the hospital. Where is Ms. Weingarten now? Where is the Chancellor?
As we look at what is happening with the housing market, oil prices, global stock markets -The signs are right in front of our eyes; showing us that we are headed towards a massive economic crisis in other words a "Recession.".
The oil is running out, thousands of people are losing their jobs, and your hard-earned dollars are worthless more and more every day.
Yes, this is a vey important to me; when I imagine my retirement account and my 401K losing one-half of its value. Just the thought of having to work two jobs, just trying to keep up with the bills. In addition, the value of my house going down by 30 or 40% - losing all of the equity that I worked so hard for.
This issue does not only effect myself but society as a whole. Everyone is affected by this Recession -for example; high oil prices, outrageous utility bills, lending institutions don't want to lend to the borrowers, first time home-buyers are having a difficult time to purchase homes,homeowners are losing the value of their current property and food items are increasing because of the oil prices: Yes, this is definately impacting the society as a whole.
It's time to protect ourselves, family and anyone we can communicate with. We must share information that is absolutely needed to know the whole truth about the recession. How this economic crisis will affect each and every one of use. There is printed material available to educate us on this issue. Just the other day someone gave me a survivors guide on how to survive the recession. It gave you specifics things you can do to survive (and even prosper) through this coming recession.
Yes, this could definately begin to effect the public opinion about this issue.
Knowlede is Power.
T. Williams
Affordable Day Care
The need for affordable child care in the city is growing.
Some people stay home with their children or turn to relatives or neighbors for child care.
For those who qualify, the city currently provides some kind of day care funding or programs for about 1 in 5 of the city’s children.
A few workplaces provide day care for their employees, but many New Yorkers turn to private centers which can be a costly option.
The city contracts with 344 private, non-profit centers around the city. Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed budget calls for the elimination of 2,500 day care slots.
Families can qualify for city-subsidized child care if they earn less than 225 percent of the federal poverty level which translates into an annual income of $26,000 for a family of two or $40,000 for a family of four. However, most families receiving child care subsidies from the city earn $18,000 a year or less.
Families pay a portion of the fee based on sliding scale. Those that make less than the poverty level (which is $15,967) for a family of four are exempt from all fees and given priority on waiting lists, others pay between $50.00 to $215.00 a week.
Affordable Day Care
The need for affordable child care in the city is growing.
Some people stay home with their children or turn to relatives or neighbors for child care.
For those who qualify, the city currently provides some kind of day care funding or programs for about 1 in 5 of the city’s children.
A few workplaces provide day care for their employees, but many New Yorkers turn to private centers which can be a costly option.
The city contracts with 344 private, non-profit centers around the city. Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed budget calls for the elimination of 2,500 day care slots.
Families can qualify for city-subsidized child care if they earn less than 225 percent of the federal poverty level which translates into an annual income of $26,000 for a family of two or $40,000 for a family of four. However, most families receiving child care subsidies from the city earn $18,000 a year or less.
Families pay a portion of the fee based on sliding scale. Those that make less than the poverty level (which is $15,967) for a family of four are exempt from all fees and given priority on waiting lists, others pay between $50.00 to $215.00 a week.
My public issue is healthcare for senior citizens. This issue is important to me because I am concerned about my father who is very ill and can not get the care that he needs as a senior citizen. He lives in Newark, New Jersey and because of his illness he can not take public transportation. My father used to get transportation to and from the hospital for doctor's visits which are at least three times a week but there was a budget cut and the company let a lot of the drivers go. Since then we have been paying for friends and even the home aide to drive for him but it is getting to be a problem because they are not dependable and my father is missing too many appointments causing a great impact on society because he is not the only one who needs this issue addressed. My siblings and I have to work to help him pay for medication and transportation. The whole complex (Senior Citizen Housing)is suffering from this problem and the Social Workers are not stepping in to help. Everyone who is effected is writing to the Mayor Corey Booker to try to get something done. Mr. Booker has spoken out and promised to get more help for the seniors but it is still a work in progress.
Sorry Jen forgot to put my name on Healthcare it's me Sharon Elliott, Thank you.
Smoking in Public Places
it should be legal to smoke around others in public places where there are non-smokers? Smoker’s today think that they can just light up wherever they feel. Non-smokers feel that smoking should be band from all public places. This problem between smokers and non-smokers is an ongoing battle that seems to have no solution. Can’t smokers see that they are just harming themselves and the ones around them?
Smokers often think they can’t live without that cigarette, but in reality they can’t live if they do smoke. Who gave them the right to sign my death warrant by smoking in public places and ruining the air I breathe. I can’t stand it when I go somewhere to eat and all I can smell is smoke from cigarettes. Nothing bothers me more then when I’m stopped at a stop sign behind a smoker and all I can smell is the cigarette smoke coming into the car. This is not fair to the person that is a non-smoker. This is why smokers shouldn’t be able to smoke around non-smokers.
We all know, smokers and non-smokers alike that cigarettes cause all types of ailments: Cancer, Asthma, and Emphysema. Doctors are making new discoveries everyday on the harms of smoking. Cancer being raked among one of highest side affects of smoking, but yet people continue to smoke cigarettes. I don’t understand why people would continue to smoke knowing the consequences of smoking. On the other hand smokers feel that they need cigarettes to make it through the day.
I’m glad that smoking cigarettes hasn’t taken a hold of my life. I see what pain my father goes through on a daily basis just to stay alive this being the result of smoking for many years. I would think anyone who continues to smoke is asking for a quick ticket to death. Knowing all what we know about smoking today you would have to be a fool to continue to smoke.
Jennifer Lynn Romain
Hi I’m Carmen Cintron, my issue is on education.
My big concern is the ‘at risk’ and failing students that plague our schools today. This issue is important to me because I have a teenager in high school, and I see how at times he has struggled with his studies. If the parents don’t get involved, when these young people become adults just think- what kind of jobs will they have! What kind of role models will they be to their children? I think it’s time to make a public announcement about the drop out rate, and encourage the community to mobilize. Why are the numbers of failing students so vast? We have computers, state of the art calculators that do everything for you. Perhaps that’s the answer; the technology we’ve become so dependant on can hinder us when used in excess.
As much as I am the first to say I can’t live without my computer, I wonder if it made us a lazy society. It used to be fun to visit a library and go through the books for research, but today’s teenagers are very dependant on electronics. They spend way too much time on gaming, and less time on getting their research from simply reading books. I surveyed a group of high school students attending summer school, and found that a good amount of them were bored and lacked good work ethics. Yet, I sensed these kids were far from unintelligent. They had smart and precise answers to my questions. They had a clear view of why they failed. I believe somewhere along the way we lost the set of principles I remember we had when I went to school.
We’ve come so far with technology but we still have a frightening number of kids dropping out. Stimulation has to be included in the education plan. I believe the schools need to form an alliance with local CBO’s and create quality alternative educational programs. Such as tutoring centers that offer art and or music integrated with the academic studies, as well as access to the school’s curriculum via a joint website. The mayor and the chancellor should start thinking about giving more autonomy to the parents and the community- so that they can assist the school system in getting closer to individualized attention for the students that need remedial help. Creating smaller groups will be key to identifying the student’s problems, and cohesiveness will ultimately help resolve them.
Gentrification is a topic that concerns me very much. I'm all for neighborhood improvement but I feel that it is unfair that the indigenous people of the neighborhood are forced from their homes once these improvements are completed and rent prices begin to soar. I am blessed to have a nice apartment in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn. However, what am I going to do if the enemy of the working class (Gentrification) decides to invade my neighborhood? Protest? What about the residents who lived near Columbia University?
David Esquilin
A important public issue is housing and rent increases. This issue is important because but rent is very high and people can not afford it. Everybody rent is being raised and its making it impossible for people to live. Everything is being raised ecept people paychecks. Rent increases effect society as a whole because people can't afford their rent so a lot of people is becoming homeless.
An important public issue is housing and rent increases. This issue is important because rent is very high and unaffordable for many people. It forces one to find other options when it comes to living arrangements, whether it be moving in with another relative or relocating to another state. This is of interest to me because it is serious and we need to stick together and help one another out as a community. Everything is being raised except people's paychecks. Rent increases effect society as a whole because people can't afford their rent so
a lot of people is becoming homeless. Mass communication may be used to effect public opinion about this issue by bringing light to it. Some people may feel like it makes no sense to speak up being that they may be the only person that really think about it. While feeling this way, they may not know that one person can make a difference when in reality there are more people who may think on the same issue and feel the same way about it. Usually in this case, someone is waiting for the next person to make the first step in order to join in and help make a difference.
Nicole A.
Jen I wrote the handcuffing of children is an extreme example. As per my email on 1/29 & 1/30 this is the Journal I wrote dtd. 1/29/08 @ 6:02 p.m. Thanks; Cathy E. Page Have a Good Evening.
Cathy E. Page
Special Ed is a set back
Why is that when a kid does not want to listen or fight or just take a little longer to learn their work, he or she is recommended to go to special ed. my son was recommended to go to special ed and i agreed, however i was told it would be temporary. This was not the case, after about three years of him being in special ed, i see no improvements. When he was in a normal class he was behind but he did the work. I am very concerned about what teachers, teach the kids in special ed, because all my son comes home with is trip slips. No spelling test, no math test, no nothing but an empty brain. I feel that most of the thing he has learned thus for is from my home schooling; i give him on the weekends. Now that i want him to go into regular class, he is on a low second grade level when he should be on third grade level.
I feel so sorry for him cause. i was the one who agreed and its so hard to get him out. Special ed used to be for students that had language barriers and bad kids. Unfortunately its for minority, medicated, and kids that have discipliner problems. Special ed needs to be re-evaluated and monitored. Special ed classes are like circuses, there out of control. Instead of it being so laid back, they should be pushed harder so the can catch up. They should not have a trip ever other week and catch up when you can mind frame. This kind of thinking is ridiculous, this mean that they will always be behind. Teacher don't want to be bothered with these kids so the co-hurse parents into putting their kids in special ed, so they could get ride of the stress and the trouble in their already over sized class.
They also help their schools get their school a extra penny for this devious act. Something needs to be done.
Nekeisha Forbes
I love Brooklyn, and I love the neighborhod I live in, which is where I've spent over half of my life in. I've seen it grow and become one of the best neighborhoods in NYC. In the late seventies and through the eighties it wasn't this way, crime was very high, there were many burned down buildings. Now that the shootings have stopped and "white collar crime has replaced it" ( I have no facts to prove that). I'm afraid my landlord is going to sell, and I might have to move to the Bronx, or worse Jersey! I love Park Slope, I really don't like a lot of the people that are moving here. This used to be a neighborhood, now it has become just a place to live. I really don't believe we can do much to stop what's going on, although some people have held their ground. Maybe by trying to find the people who feel the same to meetings, including developers to work something out, and find a common ground. Miguel Hernandez.
The NYC public school
The NYC public school system seems to be more focused on budgets rather than quality education for our children. Children with discipline problems and overcrowded class rooms are a big distraction. Teachers are not able to help the children that are falling behind. This is important to me because I was one of those children. The administration in the schools fails to provide help in the class rooms for these teachers. This lack of education effects society as a whole by helping keep minorities in a lower income bracket. There is only a 50% chance of graduating high school for minorities. There are parents that have been in their children spots before. We can reach out to parents that we don’t know as a community.
I believe that the administration and the parents should make phone calls to one anther whether the child is behaving or not. There should also be radio promotions and flyers about successful education programs as well as schools that need our help. We know that in the past education was not a top priority. It is time to change that.
A public issue that is important to me is the issue of Retirees having to pay for prescription drugs coverage. During an individual's work life, medicare and Social Sucurity taxes are deducted from their earnings. Therefore, why upon retirement, must they make additional premium payments for health care services?
I consider the elderly population the most vulnerable individuals in our society and they should be the population that the Government exempt from further health care payments.
Upon retirement, the elderly are left to figure out how the process works. They are not informed by the Social Security Administration about the medicare process and althought there are periodic media coverage of the Medicare issue, the retirees are either misinformed or left to conduct endless research in order to make the right choices. This dilemna can hinder an elderly person who may be considering retirement but may continue working, not only from the lack of information, but also the high costs of premiums for prescription drugs.
One resolution to this issue could be that the retiree should be given an indepth interview at the Social Security Admnistration on their option and how it will affect them.
Another solution can be that all retirees should receive free full medical coverage along with free prescription drugs coverage
mass communication would be a helful tool in demonstrating to the elderly how their voices can be heard through rallys and proposals.
The elderly retirees have worked hard, paid taxes, contributed to society, so upon retirement they should not have any detrimental issues to deal with especilly lack of health care/prescription drugs coverage.
Dionne Vincent
10:11 PM
The public issue I chose was the use of Emergency Contraceptives (EC) ["Plan B" A.K.A “The day after pill”]. So far the only way a woman can get the EC pill is by prescription only. Currently There is a fight to get this pill over the counter but FDA has disapproved it. We could effect the public’s opinion about the EC pill by advertising the benefits of its use, when to use it (for maximum effectiveness), as well as the side effects and false pretenses about its purpose.
Michelle B.
Healthcare in NewYork
New York City is the ultimate gold mine for anyone that wants health insurance. Wheather your from Africa, Virgina anyone can get health insurance which leads too us paying more taxes to fund program like this for individuals that are not from this state and are not even U.S. citizens. don't get me wrong it's a wonderful thing, but in other States we cannot even afford insurance. I remember in Virginia, I was around 13 years old before my mother had insurance for me.
That means for the last 12 years, I either paid for services or never went to the doctor. That why today I work in Healthcare, so I can help people achieve their right for Healthcare.
Ethel Thiam
Health Care
Health Care is a very important issue to me because my 42 year old sister had a heart attack at the age of 41. She had been struggling with who was going to pay her medical cost, since she had been out of work awhile. Medicaid didn't want to pay and neither did the insurance company that she had. This meant that she had to incur additional cost for her medication that she did not have. She was forced to borrow money just so she could survive with her son. Health care is a necessity and I believe that it should be made available to all. It is also unfair that the elderly are consistently in this predicament, where they are barely surviving because their social security checks do not cover their medical expences. This is such a sensitive issue that needs to be revised, other wise we as a nation, are going to be in trouble years to come.
Aquilla Anderson
The issue I chose is health care for working families. I know several people who work but can't afford health care for themselves and their families. I feel that living in this country everyone should be able to get some sort of health coverage.
[url= ]Секс и здоровье: сексологи о спорных утверждениях [/url]
Добрый день всем! еще два -- и обчелся замыленная, но безвыездно действительно жизненноважная содержание!
у меня- женатый любитель. время проводим с ним замечательно- никаких разводов для тему- бросай жену и живи со мной и т.п.Хорошо обоим и срасговориться тогда в одно из свиданий, он мне сообщил который хочет второго ребенка! предложила ему активно этим предбрать с женой! вот мне интересно- меня тупо послали для ...? или, как он объяснил, он со мной поделился своими умозаключениями и лланами для будущую жизнь...вот какова мужская логика? с одной стороны говорит, который он не собирается со мной кончатьотношения, с другой- разве сам не понимает, который я с ним после таких заявок случаться не буду!!!
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