To understand these shifts, we examined two pivotal texts: Marshal McLuhan's The Medium is the Message and Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Both of these texts helped us to focus on the construction of media, or channels, through which messages are developed and sent.
- DUE SESSION 4 (2/13) -
Writing Assignment: Journal 3
Project homework: Campaign analysis (3-5 pages).
- The Society of Spectacle – Guy Debord (chapters 1 & 2)
- What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream - Noam Chomsky
- Media in Our Thoughts and Lives - Arthur Asa Berger (pp. 9-24)
Three Brief Descriptions of Sources:
My first sources is a flyer from the AFSCME of New York, it is talking about how thousands of New York union member will vote for Hillary Clinton on February 5th 2008. “And she knows that change takes more than words”.
A second source is a magazine article, telling the union members why they are supporting, Hillary Clinton for president “she state that it time to take back the white house for America’s working families”.
My third source is: Democratic Presidential Primary Debate: January 31, 2008
Vying for Super Tuesday votes. Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama discussed health care and which one is best prepared to lead the county.
Denise Bradley
The three sources used in my campaign analysis are the following: Democratic primary debate that aired on January 31, 2008 final debate-pt 1. Obama talked about the Iraq war.
The next source is from the New York Times, which talks about the battle our troops face with stress disorder.
The third source is coming from Channel 7 news report which feared obama and Hillary's view on the Iraq war, and healthcare.
Linda Shorts
My first source is the Feb. 1, 2008 democratic debate. This debate is where Obama and Clinton start to play nice. Another source I will be using is the Super Tuesday Special of Time Magazine,Feb. 18, 2008. This magazine is loaded with articles on the election. My third source will be a flyer from 32BJ getting out the vote for Hillary Clinton. The union backs her for three reason; jobs and standards, quality healthcare, and immigrant rights. My final source is a cartoon in Feb. 11th's NY Post, comparing the generations and how they are voting.
Dana Fernandez
The first sources I choose was from a magazine article that bashes hillary, with name calling and alot of hatred towards her. This article was from elle magazine.
The second source is an article from her campaing page about improving education. She feels very strong about people learning and not being deprived of education.
The last source was from CNN. The debate was talking about educational matters from New mothers, pre-k to college education, and making school more affordable, and tax credits.
I choose these three sources because, Hillary is saying the right things and avocation the issues that the average Americans are concerned about. Although, her issues are for a good cause, there are people who hate her. She is so negativly desribed in this article. Makes you want to stop and think about her alterative motives. Thats with all the candidates! You got to mix some of the good with the bad. All that good stuff she's talking may not be all that good. We will see come 11/2008, when she is elected.
Nekeisha Forbes
My first source pertains to the GOP debate held in Florida on 1/24/08, with the republicans discussing the issues of tax cuts. The second source is about the endorsement of McCain by Newsday in New York. The third source is an article from New York Times, published 2/11 and discusses that while McCain is ahead mathematically, he still suffered severe losses in the primary from Louisiana and Kansas.
Yvette S.
“Work“ AFSCME. Jan. Feb 2008. is one of my first source. Works ready for change! second a Newsweek magazine."Letting Hillary Be Hillary" third source Democratic Presidential Primary Debate.” CNN. January. 31, 2008 using those three source I will do campaing analysis.
Health care, End the war in Iraq,
Strengthen The Middle Class Support,Immigration Reform. Hillary and Obama,she remarked that they have different points of view.
Martha Fuentes
Martha Fuentes
One of my sources is Pewform.org, where Barack Obama supports a woman right to choose he indicates that that he trusts women to make their own decisions about whether or not to have an abortion. My second source from South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC Obama talks about Reducing teen pregnancy; making it less likely for women to find themselves in these circumstances.
Jennifer Lynn Romain
My first source is the Debate on gun control at the Election Center 2008. Senator Barack Obama has a concern with gun traffic and wants to put a stop to guns winding up in the wrong hands, killing innocent people.
Second source: Article on Gun Control and Campus Safety issued on April 30, 2007. This article talks about the shootings at Virginia Tech and the repurcussions of the tragedies.
Third source: CNN the caucus's that took place the weekend of February 9th and 10th, where Barack Obama won the delegates of four states.
Sharon Elliott
First Source - Time Magazine Article, which offers a solution to day care cost, which is a growing program across the country “Bringing Babies to Work’
Second Source - Minnesota Public Radio, “How day care costs create obstacles for worker’s poor”.
Third Source – January 22, 2008 South Carolina Democratic Debates on Health Care
G. Martin
my first sources was on the Democratc Presidentia Debate January 31, 2008 they discussed the healthcare issue and the war in Iraq.
my second source was from htt://www.msnbc.msn.com were Obama talked about the best was to approach the Social Security issue was to put more payroll taxes on people like himself to protect the people in need.
my thrid source was from http;//www.time.com were Hillary Clinton she might be willing to garnish the wages o workers who refuse to buy health insurace to achieve coverage for all Americans.
Betty Corbett
My first source is a live debate aired 1/25/08 in New Hampshire on gun control issues; We need to enforce the laws.
My second source is all of Hillary's Clinton debates on gun control from 1999-present.
My third source is from an organization called Million Mom March, which mothers who lost loved ones march against gun violence.
Catherine Lewis
Three Descriptionof Sources for Analysis
My First Sources is: My campaign analysis, which aired on January 31,2008. This debate is where Obama and Clinton showed human compassion for each other.also allowed them to show the world that there so alike in many ways. the issue for both was the concern for healthcare.
The Second Source is: magazine article on which Hillary Clinton was pushing her husband'd plan, saying she's best suited to hammer out details of a new plan and create "a coalition than can with stand the insurance and prescription drug company.
The Third Source is: when Obama directed toward Mrs.Clinton about Driver's License being issued to immigrates Quoted there are those who were opposed of the issue, therefore they have been those whohave flipped on the issue and have also run away from it.
Ethel Thiam
The three sources used in my campaign analysis are the following:
1.Election Center (2008). @ CNNPolitics.com Clinton and Obama comes out swinging in the debate.
2.New York Times.(2008). Aricle on Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama on how they would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care.
3.WABC, News Channel 7.(2008). Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama talk about health insurance coverage for all Americans.
Sharon Teekasingh
My sources are:
BarakObama.com where he has his whole campaign laid out. His Issues are explained in The Blueprint for change. I found that very helpful.
The Carolina democratic debate where you see him interact with the other candidates and answer tough questions.
I also use The New York Times, Time Magazine, Ebony, and Newsweek.
Miguel Hernandez.
My three sources are from separate websites that are following the democratic candidates. Things are getting even more interesting now that John Edwards is no longer in the race. Will Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama represent the Democratic Party in the 2008 election?
David Esquilin
Brief Descriptions of 3 Sources
First Source:
MSNBC Titled- Clinton, Obama go One-On-One in debate; dated 2008
This article discusses the debate between Hillary and Obama. The two debated cordially over the following topics: Health Care, Immigration and The War in Iraq. It was stated how Super Tuesday could be used in determing the party's presidential nominee.
Second Source
Houston Chronicle; Titled - Solution Beat Promises, Clinto Tell Texas Crowd.
This article discusses how Hillary states her campaign is about the 21st Century solutions to the problems we face as a country. She also discusses how her opponent (Obama) is in the promises business and how important it is to deliver the solutions that America needs.
Third Source
Tribune's Washington Bureau; titled- Clinton's/ Obama
This article discusses Hillary's universal health care plan; which she states would insure everyone. In addition the article discusses her proposal to freeze foreclosures, which some critics say would be an unconsionable intrusion into the private market place.
T. Williams
My sources are from the newspapers, NY Times, Post and CNNNews and MSNBC News. To be quite honest I have not been following the Political Race as i should, but from what I gathered this is going to be a definate difficult election. My sources or selections would be Education, Employment and Health Issues. I think Obama covered those issues very thorough and I feel Senator Obama is a true champion for education is committed to our nation's supply of high quality teachers. Education is very important to me and I think that Obama's education plan is what our nation needs.
Cathy E. Page
Carmen Cintron
The first source was the live democratic CNN debate. I found this debate informative but was disappointed that there was only the one question on education.
Second source came from the New York Daily News. It was an article on Bill Clinton soliciting votes from the super delegates for Hillary. It’s interesting how they have become front and center in this campaign. The third source came from a poster that was mailed to me from my union DC-37 encouraging me to vote for Hillary. It was a beautiful poster and very informative
Campaign Analysis Sources:
First Source: Democratic Debate on CNN.com dated 1/22/08. Obama and Clinton debated on their stance on numerous issues. They discussed their health care plans, which is one of my most important topic.
Second Source: Youtube.com. R&B artist Will. i. am along with other entertainers and actors performed a newly developed song "Yes we can" which incorporated parts of Obama speeches and also emphasizes his campaign message that Americans are calling for change and Yes we can achieve it.
Third Source: Time Magazine dated 2/11/08. One of the issue discussed was about "why young voters care again". Athough the article feature the young americans thought on all the presidential canditates, it showed Obama in a good position with the young voters in that he "radiates the new, he doesn't just talk abut change; he looks like change.
Dionne Vincent
I have selected a debate, a pin and word of mouth for my sources.
Debate: "Obama on abortion," dated 12/16/07. Sen. Obama speaks about abortion being a woman's moral choice.
Promotional Pin: On 2/5/08, I saw a young woman wearing a pin promoting "Obama for President."
Word of mouth: On a train ride to work, a group of young teens were expressing why Sen. Obama should win the primary and become the U.S. President. "He's new and uncorrupted!"
Michelle B.
The first source is going to be a debate between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama dealing with education(having a hard time finding one, NEED HELP). I want to know what they plan to do about the failing education system.
The second source is is going to be on Obama and his We can Change speech.
I will do tv as my third soruce not what the date will be but it will be somthing dealing with education.
Octavia :)
This is not as easy as i thought, Jen you said this was going to be hard, good golly
Carmen Cintron
Living their lives essentially online was very remarkable because it gave you the visuals of the fight parents go through in order to speak with their children. The mass media in this case is the internet, the digital world we often lose our kids to. Our lives are shaped by this technology, in the sense where there are many times parents have to reach their kids trough emails and the child might be in the same house while the communication is going on. Educators almost have to be entertainers to get their students attention. Students have lost focus in many instances such as reading a book from cover to cover when they have spark notes to cut to the chase. Today’s mass audiences is fast, and faster; no time to read or talk. We use to go to the library to read and do research, nowadays everything is at our fingertips. There’s no need to go out.
The first source is C Span 2, the speech Barak Obama gave in regards to Obama's "speech on middle class tax fairness" dated 9/18/07.
This speech tells of how Obama will take from corporate and give to the common tax payer.
The second is from the web site:www.barackobama.com/2008
Remarks of Senator Barack Obama: Economic Speech
Greenvill, SC; Jan. 22, 2008
This speech tells of the bad news heard from Wall street, and the coming recession, because the government won't do enough to prevent it.
The third is from Tavis Smiley's program out of New Orleans,
His explanation of the super delegates and their purpose in regards to their voting ability to change or sway in favor of a candidate.
Prof. Jen
My notes were added 2/25/08
My three descriptions of sources:
My first source will be my campaign analysis on a debate by Obama dated 12/16/07. His debate was on "Obama on abortion" in which he addressed the issue of abortion being a woman's moral choice.
My second source is going to be on www.msnbc.msn.com, inwhich Obama discussed his view points on social security. He suggested wealthy people should carry payroll taxes to help those individuals that are in need.
Finally, my last source is a debate that aired on January 31, 2008 where Obama and Clinton maintained a synonomus vision on health care.
Aquilla Anderson
My first chooice is a poster for US Health Care and it's a picture of babies with wings and I realize that the message is very true. If all babies were angels they wouldn't need health care, but they are not and we need to protect the children.
The second is a commerical showing a group of children playing Ring-A-Round the Rosie and when it comes to the part where they all fall down, one little girl don't fall down because her family don't have medical insurance to cover her if she gets hurt.
The Third is also a commerical this one shows a mother sending her children out to play but first she wraps them up in bubble wrap because they don't have any insurance and she has to protect them from any injuries the might get while playing.
Ron Fournier: Obama wins Virginia
Ron's message was the statistics of Senator Obama winning six vixtoies already. He also discussed the fact that the whites in Virginia voted for Senator Obama. He reminded us that a black man winning in a confederate state was a victory in itself.
Doyle McManus: Who's better to lead?
Senator Obama stated that he was the better candidate for the US because it was time for a change. He explained that he is a straight talker, honest and frank person.
Carolyn Washburn: Iowa Debate 08
Carolyn's technique when reminding Senator Obama that he is using the past advisors to continue into the future. She asked the question, "I thought you were a man of change? Senator Obama tried to distort the message but to no avail.
Denise W.
My first source is the democratic presidential primary debate on Thurs. 31st 2008. The debate talked about several issues that Barack Obama were discussing such as change in the U.S. and healthcare. He talks about lowering the cost of healthcare and about the war.
Another source is in the daily newspaper it was a artilcle about online gamblers betting on Obama . It talked about how politics is a new multi million-dollar internet industry.
My third source is barackobama.com where he has every issuse he running for in black and white.
Nicole Alston.
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