from The Media's New Aesthetic - Adbusters
We now hit the halfway mark of our investigation into mass communications. In tonight's session, we attempt to connect the many loose ends we've untangled throughout the previous weeks by asking three key questions: 1) What is mass culture? 2) What is mass society? and 3) How is mass culture/society created? The answers to these questions arise from arranging our previous readings into a (semi) coherent argument. Ultimately, our course argument looks something like this: 1. (mass) communication is (mass) culture. 2. (mass) culture is (mass) society. 3. Thus, (mass) society is (mass) communication.
- DUE SESSION 11 (04/02) -
Writing Assignment: Journal 10
ewing Suggestion: Why We Fight. Dir. E Jarecki, 2005. (98 min.)
Project homework: Work on blog and PSA.
Reading: - JOURNAL 10 - Select any theory, concept or criticism from one of the articles listed above. Apply the selected idea to a mass communication you encountered this week. How does the theory you selected attempt to explain the communication process? What criticisms does it offer of your experience? Is it accurate? Why or why not?