Now that we have thoroughly dissected the SMCR model by applying it to mass communications, we move on to reconnect the parts into a synthetic whole we call culture. While humans have many definitions for culture, our discussion focused on understanding two key questions: 1) What is a culture industry? and 2) What is a culture war?
Culture industry is a concept developed by cultural theoriests Adorno and Horkheimer to replace outdated notions of mass and popular culture. For Adorno and Horkheimer, modern culture is intimately connected to industrialization; cultural products, like industrial products, are standardized and singular. The singularity of culture (also called cultural hegemony) serves to "ensure the obedience of the masses to the market" (Wikipedia). This Bread-and-Circus form of rule started in ancient times, when Roman lords determined that masses with enough food and entertainment would never revolt.
Culture wars rely upon cultural hegemony to abuse power.
- DUE SESSION 9 (3/19) -
Writing Assignment: Journal 8
Viewing Assignment: Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Bill Moyers, 2008.
Project homework: Complete blog design. Conduct surveys.
- A Propaganda Model – Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky
- The Propagand Model - Edward Herman
- Propaganda Model - Wikipedia
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
This article is an interview of Kathleen Hall Jamiseson by Bill Moyers which aired February 29, 2008. In the interview, Bill Moyers seeks to obtain answers from Kathleen Hall Jamiseson as it pertains to the presidential candidates. For each candidate she was able to critique questions and give her opinion in regards to their ads and biographies.
For example, when it came to Hilary Clinton she feels that Clinton deems herself as a famous person that no one knows. Because of certain ads that Clinton has aired she feels that’s when Clinton’s biography should have been in place so people could learn exactly who this woman that’s vying for the presidency is. Ms. Jamieson believes that the only impression of Hilary is what was learned during her husband’s presidency. She describes her as a “power hungry climber” who is aggressive and calculating.
Her opinion on Obama and Mccain is that they both are sharing their life stories in different ways. For Obama she talks about one of his ads where he says, his father left him very young but because of his education he is able to persevere. She thought that was something good because this was part of his background and he is able to use this to strengthen his campaign.
On the hand, she is questioning as to whether McCain’s experience will be sufficient for a presidency. She even mentions that most times when people are asked opened ended questions they always refer to McCain as old. She feels that McCain is not only vulnerable because of his age but also because of the Keating Five scandal in the 1980s.
Yvette S.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Bill Moyers, 2008
Viewing Bill Moyers interview with critic Kathleen Hall Jamieson, was very instresting concerning the presidental campaign, which seems to be very hot campaign for the candidates running for the office as president. Bill Moyers said it was eccentric when Obama stated that his father left him at a very young age, only to be raised by his mother and grandparents. Bill asked Ms. Jamieson why do you think Obama would say that during his campaign speech. Ms. Jamieson response was, we want to know where a president comes from, and who over came the odds as a prospective nominee for president, but with Hilary, there is a secretness about what she is doing, because of the types of campain ads viewed. Bill Moyers statement, the boy against the odds? Ms. Jamieson reaction was, and what is a greater odd than a child raised with one parent? For me, it shows the softer side of Obama when it comes to single parent households. Therefore, Ms Jamieson goes on and points out in this story, Obama tells in his speech and his ad campaign, that he had access to education. In addition, Ms. Jamieson states in one of Obama's speech, that education is what made his life possible. This is the reason why he wants to graratee quality education, as well as high quality teachers for our children.
Hello Jen, I had forgot to put my name on my comment. My comment is the second one after Yvette S.
Linda Shorts
Bill Moyers w/Kathleen Hall Jamieson
One of Jamieson's criticism is of the Hillary Clinton no one knows. Jamieson feels the public only knows Hillary through her husband's presidency. She suggests Hillary should do more biographical ads to avoid character assassination.
Not all of Jamieson's criticisms were negative. When asked how do we measure the effectiveness of an ad? She stated "after seeing the ad repeatedly aired, people are more likely to see as important the issue that is featured in the ad." I personally agree and think we all are victims of the advertising industry; be it positive or negative.
Catherine Lewis
Bill Moyers and Kathleen Hall Jamieson
On February 29, 2008 Bill Moyers interviewed critic Kathleen Hall Jamieson. She was there to analyze and give her opinion on this year’s presidential campaign ads.
Bill Moyers is trying to find out the meaning, what people could read into these ads, and the biographies if any of the candidates.
When Mr. Moyers said he was seeing spots before his eyes when he saw how much money both candidates had spend on ads when the object is to get the votes. They seem to still be trying to get their message across.
One of Ms. Jamieson’s replies was about HOPE the theme of one of Barack Obamas campaign message when you see “Text hope” you get a number, when you text this on your cell phone you get to communicate directly with Obamas campaign staff and when you put in your zip code they can tell you were a rally is, when to vote, and when the caucus is being held. She continues to say that the channels of communication this year are highly diverse.
In my opinion that was a very cool way to reach people of all ages because all most everyone is on their cell phones texting these days especially the younger generation.
On another ad Mr. Moyers said he saw of Obama’s that week and there was a line in it that struck him as eccentric. The line in the ad were Obama says, “And my father left me when I was two years old” Obama continues to say “my parents weren’t rich. My father left me when I was young. The one thing I was able to get was a great education. We should give every child the same chances that I had. By investing in early childhood education and recruiting a whole new generation of teachers.
Mr. Moyers ask Ms. Jamieson why do you think he’s saying that? Ms. Jamieson’s reply was that the people want to know where a president comes from, and that there are two very different stories in biographies of presidents. There’s a president who overcomes all odds to be in front of us as a prospective nominee. That’s Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and that’s Barack Obama. Ms. Jamieson also adds that what is a greater odd than a child raised with only one parent? And what does it say when Barack Obama features the fact that he was raised by his mother and the heroism of a woman.
Mr. Moyers ask Ms. Jamieson are you getting a biography from Hillary Clinton’s ads? Ms. Jamieson answer was no and that very early in Hillary Clintons campaign she said she was the most famous person you didn’t know.
In my opinion when Barack Obama told his biography he did it with emotion and to let the younger generation know that you can overcome all odds get an education and one day you could be where he is today running for the presidency of the United States of America. Like Ms. Jamieson said the only thing we know about Hillary Clinton is what we live through in the Clinton administration, and what we have read in the press. That does not sound good to me we the people need to know everything about the person we maybe voting for.
Betty Corbett
Bill Moyers, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, 2008
Bill Moyers interview with Kathleen Hall Jamieson which aired on February 29, 2008. Bill Moyers state “Tis the season for images, and I’m not talking Oscars”.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson gives her opinion about each of the presidential candidate and their campaign. Ms. Jamieson brought to our attention to look at and ad call The Text Hope Theme which state if you have text messaging on your cell phone, text in hope and the Obama campaign begins to communicate directly to you. It tells you when you supposed to vote and where the nearest rally will be hall, now that is communicating. Do you no how many young people they will reach because they love taxing, now that advertising.
I like the question that Mr. Moyers ask Ms. Jamieson about “what can ads do that speeches and debates and news stories can’t do”. Ms. Jamieson explains that advertising lets you speak in someone else’s voice and those ads are able to attach your emotion about the story. There were one ad Obama had in Spanish and a lot of young Latino would enjoy because they would feel he was speaking to directly to them.
McCain ad about the military and how he becomes a hero and how is captors find out who his father is “who care” but anyway. All his ads is letting the public know that he is too old to be president and interestingly, a pew poll shows that when people are asked for open-ended responses to senator McCain, old is coming up as one of those responses.
Denise Bradley
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
She explains how the internet is being used to get their campaign messages out and the different tactics they use within that channel these being new tactics and reaching new and younger voters. She also explains how advertising is such an important medium, where candidates can attach emotion from images and music; maybe making the candidate more human in my opinion.
Bill Moyers interview with Kathleen Hall Jamieson which aired on February 29, 2008.
One of campaign that Kathleen criticizes is “You Tube” on the Internet which has become a major means of communicating about candidates, in addition to the mass media channels. And part of what they're doing on this channel is different, candidate to candidate.
Another campaign that she criticizes is, “Text hope." H-O-P-E, the theme of the Barack Obama campaign. That's a communication to say if you have text messaging on your cell phone, text in "hope" and that number. According to Kathleen they have been watching the internet communication that candidates deliver through E-mails. Text messaging advertising, and Internet advertising, where there's no age barrier to volunteering. And what's important also, in the advertising stream this year, is that there is advertising to the young about issues of concern to the young. There is one Hispanic language ad for Senator Obama, in which a young person basically explains why it's important to get your parents involved for Obama. We know there's a generational divide. Older voters, more likely, particularly older women will be with Senator Clinton, younger, with Senator Obama.
She also critiques some of the ads in Texas. According to her the one in Spanish for Obama is remarkable. There are a lot of young people in it, and you hear them singing "Como se dice, como se llama, Obama, Obama." Obama, Obama." There's another that basically runs through every identifier you could possibly have if you're Latino. We're all supporting Obama. But the level of communication to the Hispanic community this year is going to be higher than it's ever been in history as well, in part, because that's a voting bloc that is not only contested strongly on the Democratic side, with an early advantage to Senator Clinton, And Senator Obama would like to take that away. But also, that's a voting bloc that is open for realignment. It could come to one party or the other this year over the immigration debate.
Sharon Teekasingh
We are seeing in this interview how campaingns have the media and advance technology at their fingertips more than any other time in history. This can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing. All of this technology can take away from the essence of the campaign. Sometimes it feels like we are going through a cyber-election.
David Esquilin
Bill Moyers, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, 2008.
The interview between Bill Moyers and Kathleen Jamieson, talks about their view points on the candidates who are running for the office of presidency in the United States. One of Kathleen Hall Jamieson criticism points is that Senator Barack Obama’s talk of hope within his speeches. She referred to the fact that by text messaging the word hope and a number in your cell phone you can reach Senator Barack Obama’s campaign, which will immediately communicate with you.
She also spoke of John McCain views about his commitment for United State troop to spend the next 100 years in Iraq, instead of endorsing the next 1000 years of affordable healthcare for Americans.
Dawn Mckenzie
The viewing of the interview between Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Bill Moyers was very interesting. The interview involved both Jamieson's and Moyer's criticisms regarding the ads pertaining to the 2008 Presidential candidates. Once again, it was an "AHA" moment on how powerful ads can be when it comes to getting a message to the public.
Jamieson criticizes how during the prime time of the presidential campaign the channels of communication this year are highly diverse. An example of this is when Moyers and Jmaieson both discuss how Obama's ad is giving you the instructions to TEXT H-O-P-E; the theme of Obama's campaign and then they give a number. Both critics states how this allows the Obama's campaign to begin to communicate directly to you.
My reaction to this is - new technology continues to take over; even in the political arena. What a change from just a few years ago. Jamieson refers to term "Text Message" as text messaging advertising and she states the following "this year there's been more communication than ever in the history of a primary to more people about candidates. This is an awesome accomplishsment in the media world.
In addition, Bill Moyer criticized concerns about text messaging being targeted just to children that aren't old enough to vote. Jmaieson responded that these children can be volunteers; there is no age barrier to volunteering. My reaction to this is as follows: this is an very important avenue to cover, especially because issues discussed are concerns of the children(youth). -We shouldn't wait until our youth turn 18 to focus on including them in the mix.
Another point of criticism from Jamieson is how Hillary Clinton is a very famous person that we really don't even know. She further criticizes how this would have been an opportunity for Hillary to create an "Ad"- a biography that didn't include our public experience of her with Bill Clinton. She continues to discuss what we know about her is what we have read from the press. This was a very strong point made by Jamieson. The media has led us to believe there is no Hillary without Bill Clinton. This is why it is imperative that Hillary produces effective and powerful "ads" in which she presents herself as a strong presidential canditate. There is a definately a Hillary without Bill.
T. Williams
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Bill Moyers, 2008
Ms Jamieson discusses with Bill Moyers the postive and negative aspects of the prsedential candidates' campaigns. Her focus was on their effectiveness and how they communicated to the mass audience. She also noted that this presidential primary had more communication, the most in history, to more people.
Since she viewed Ads as a campaign strenght, her discussion was mainly about them and their use by the candidates. Ads tell stories, somewhat like a biography. One Ad by Obama she explained, told a story of one of the reasons he succeeded which inevitably became one of the focuses of his campaign - education. So through these Ads the candidate tells their life story which explains why they feel emotionally about the items their campaigns are focused on
Her criticicsm also focused on the targeted audience of the campaigns. McCain targets individuals sympathic to war, Hillary target older individuals, and Obama targets young Americans. Interesting is her thoughts of why Obama chooses to target young Americans, some who cannot even vote yet. She called it the trickle up theory - target the young, and they would influence their parents.
The end result is that if the candidates' campaigns can influence the audience votes, then it had done what it set out to accomplish.
Dionne Vincent
Jamiseson and Moyers interview, jamiseson gives her opinions of the candidates. Which I think is leading people to the candidate of her choice. by picking apart their messages and the way they put them out. Obama and Mccain, more family oreinted and Clinton, and hungry presidential candidate.
She did mention the Hope text that I think is a great idea, it helps keep people informed and allows them to follow dates and times of each event.
I found this interview very enlightening. I didn't know that Barack used texting as a part of his campaign. I thought that was a very interesting way of getting people involved in attending rally and keeping them up to date on his campaign. Because once they have access to people's number they are able to send out bulks of texts to keep their supporters informed.
The other strategy that i found interesting was the one he used about being raised by a single parent. I feel that this is such an important factor in his campaign because how many black men you know every get an opportunity to run for president. He also made sure that he explained the key factor of him getting to where he was is because he had an education. He wants everyone to know that he will support education.
Nekeisha Forbes
The small piece that i just watched was of Ms.Kathleen Hall Jamiseson being interviewed by Mr. Bill Moyers. They discussed the ads and bio's related to thier campaigns. I liked the critique of Obamas ad, Ms. Jamiseson and Mr. Moyers were talking about the net and how to reach the candidates were reaching out to the young people in thier world, well they called this ad the rock music ad, it wasn't the music that made them pay attention but it is was what was at the bottom of the ad that cought their attention and it was text Hope to 62262, they were saying how the text was reaching out to not only the young, but the parents of the young, as if to say the childern were telling thier parents who to vote for or at least have an influence on their parents and who they vote for. Another critique i liked was how she talked about Obamas bio when he spoke breflly of his father, how his dad left when he was two, that was all he said, in words it was small but in the message it was big, he was saying , letting other people who have grown up with out their biological dads know that you can make it, you just need to focus, i say this because she then starts to talk about how after he made that statement he started to talk about his education and what it means to him and what it should mean to us all. Now you know that we are having big issues with the education system and this little background on Obama will also influence people to vote for him because he will be well involved with the education of our children, who are the future if they have one to look forward to.
Octavia :)
This interview was on Kathleen Hall Jamieson by Bill Moyers and her analytical views of the presidential candidates. She goes on to say that this is the biggest communication campaign in the history of politics. Obama's rock star video and texting gearing towards the younger votes and getting their parents to vote for him, and Hilary who is already involved in politics through President Clinton gearing towards women voters. One thing that still sticks out in my mind watching Hilary speak, is how she is still able to stay strong and focus on her campaign with the Clinton scandal.
G. Martin
Journal 8
Carmen Cintron
Katheen Hall Jamieson did a very thorough investigation of the way the candidate advertise themselves. She's very interesting. On Hillary she points out how she really didn't display a biography of herself during her advertising campaign. According to Ms. Jamieson a biographical ad is important for a number of reasons such as; we elect a person not a set of issues, we want to know as a voter who is this person, and can I trust them. A biography tells the voters where the candidate comes from; and this is what motivates my candidacy.
A second criticism Ms. Jamieson talks about is, Senator McCains ad. One of the issues that keep coming up is his age. He tries to rebut that by talking about his 35 years of service in the military. He turns that image in the minds of people as experience. It also shows the inexperience of his opponent by contrast. However, she goes on to say that all that is well and good but the people remember Keating five which was the savings and loan scandal in the 1980’s; in which McCain was implicated with one of his big contributors.
Jamieson explains that advertising lets you speak to numberous and diverse people that are interested in hearing other people's opinion. and able to to show your emotions about the stories that are advertised. look at the debates Clinton says one thing and means another. On the other hand Obama he is sincere about everything he talks about. He put his life out here for he has nothing to hide. that why society is so easy to except what never they have to offer right or wrong. Clinton to me tries to use her status when in the White House for generating votes. Obama on the other hand is soft spoken and is new for the people.
Jamiseson is very critical in somewhat arrognant person that my a opinion.
Ethel Thiam
This interview with Kathleen Hall Jamison is about how each presidential candidate is using the media to "educate" the public about the who they are. The candidates have learned to use new technology to state their biographies. Candidates used to put out, in print, their bios, but that is so ineffected in todays world. Print does not show emotion. Obama's campaign seems to be using the newest technology(internet, texting, emails) to the fullest. While John McCain has been able to use the internet to defend himself as a prisoner of war.
What I realized after watching this interview was how big the generation gap truely is. I, think I am an informed, active voter but I am still waiting for that printed booklet from the Board of Election with the candidates bio in it. And...I would never have dreamed of going on YouTube to hear a presidential candidate, that is "crap from kids who want to get a little air time". And.... text messaging, I hunt and peck on the keyboard!
Boy, do I have a lot to learn!
Dana Fernandez
Journal #8
The interview between Bill Moyers and Kathleen Hall Jamieson about their Presidential campaign. Tis the season for images, and I’m not talking Oscars he said. Bill Moyers, statement is that Presidential campaign ads are saturating the airwaves. Clinton’s in Espanol, Mccain’s Pow ads, and Obama’s rock star videos. Bill Moyers asked Ms. Jamieson of what are they supposed to convey, and do they really move people the way their creator hope. He deconstruct some of the images whose message may be receiving without knowing it. He referred to the resident scholar of spin, Ms. Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Bill Moyers stated, Obama has spent seven million dollars on cable and TV ads in Texas and Ohio. Clinton has spent four million dollars. According to the Washington Post this week, Obama has run 57,000 30 second cable and TV spots. And Hillary Clinton has run 31,000 cable and TV spots. The question is why so many ads when the object next Tuesday is to get out the vote? They seem still to be trying to get out their message.
Now, Ms. Jamieson statement is that they are trying to do both. Interesting about those numbers is they obscure something that is very important, that is happening. Those numbers are talking about the old way in which we looked at politics. She stated that the National Annenberg Election Survey conducted at the University of Pennsylvania we asked last week, have you gone to YouTube to find political content? More than ten percent of the national sample says they have. This confirm the YouTube, the internet has become a major means of communicating about candidates, in addition to the mass media channels. I totally agree with Ms. Jamieson nowadays we can not live with out YouTube, it is the major way of communication worldwide.
Also Ms. Jamieson, said that they what are doing on this channel is different, candidate to candidate. Looking at the ads for Barack Obama across the recent primaries and caucuses, in some of those ads, you see and instruction that I bet went past you when you saw all those sports. And certainly, it passed me, until I asked one of the students what it was doing there. It says, “TEX HOPE”. And then it gives you a number.
Bill Moyers: Wait. Text Hope
Ms. Jamieson: Stating “Hope“, the them of the Obama Campaign and then, a number. That’s a communication to say if you have text messaging on your cell phone, text in “hope” and that number. And the Obama campaign begins to communicate directly to you. You are putting in a zip code, and it tells you where the nearest rally is, when you’re supposed to be voting, when the caucus is being held.
The fact about text message and the word “HOPE” and number of cell phone, anyone can reach Senator Barack Obama’s Campaign.
Martha Fuentes
This article is a interview between Kathleen hall Jamieson and Bll Moyers they talk about the differnt tactics that the presidential candidates are using for their campaign.
They talk about the modern technigues that the candidates are using. Like one that Barach Obama is using text messaging which I think is great because when you get a text from somebody most likely that text would be forwarded to somebody else and so on. Not only that but if if don't make it to the place you will tell somebody. I think texting is a great strategy. The interview also talks about how the candidates ads are being done ina more visual and bilengual way.
Nicole A.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Bill Moyers interview with Kathleen Hall Jamieson was very interesting. I really enjoyed listening to the critical analysis of the 3 presidential candidates. Ms. Hall Jamieson focused on the advertising techniques that were used in the Obama campaign which helped Obama to reach younger viewers. She spoke about the "Text Hope" ad that he used which also included a number to communicate directly with someone from the Obama camp. Ms. Hall Jamieson also stated that the advertising method that Obama used to reach spanish viewers all over the world has had a great impact on reaching the younger generation. His advertising techniques have increased his supporters and strengthened his run for presidency.
Ms. Hall Jamieson's critique of Hillay Clinton was to the point. She stated that Ms. Clinton stated from the begining of her campaigning that she was a "Famous person that you don't know". This is so true because she really hasn't focused or talked about who she is, or where she is from. Ms. Clinton purposely excludes discussing her biography while she is campaigning. She want's the media and her viewers to focus on her role as a seasoned person that has been apart of the White House because of her husband. Hillary wants every one to look at her life at the time she became a public figure. One of her advertising techiniques focuses on her listening to the concerns others. She as been known for her ruthless methods of getting what she wants in the past. This ad shows a different side to Hillary Clinton. Her campaign is also geared to the older generation that wants things to remain the same.
Aquilla Anderson
Kathleen Jamieson's explains that the message that can be deliverd through differnt channels at the same time.
For instance, ten percent ot the voters go to U tube to view the campaigns. She further goes on to state that Senator Obama also in his ad uses a text messaging channels which was very creative on his part.
Another channel was e-mailing the voters/volunteers for several reasons: to be trained to participate in the volunteer pool and also to encourage voters to come out and vote using a reminder text. He also uses children in his ad to encourage their parents to go out and vote (in different languages).
As a result, he has attached key componets (voice, visual, audio and emotions) to produce a story for the voters to remember.
Denise W.
Kathleen hall Jamieson in her interview with Bill Moyershe talks about the candidates such as Hillary Clinton she explains how Hillary Clinton certifies herself as being tough enough to be president, competent enough to be president, these attacks say then she can't be president because she's not actually a woman. And you can't trust someone who is that inauthentic. So underlying this and underlying the vulgarity and underlying the assertions of raw sexual violence is deep fear about a woman holding power.
Jennifer Romain
Kathleen Jamison view of the presidential candidates, she says this is the biggest communication campaign in history. Ofcourse it is there are more technological outlets now that 20 year ago. Obama's video and texting to get the attention of younger viewers who might want to encourage their parents to vote for their candidate.
Hillary was geared more toward women voters however, I feel that Jamison was trying to take pot shots at Hillary because of Bill. I feel that Hillary is a strong person in her own right and doesn't need to lean on anyone.
Being more electronically minded nation today, it would be foolish not to use these avenues to get their message out to voters, using text messages and emails in their campaign is a great idea.
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