Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Session Fifteen: Using Media to Inspire

FIELD TRIP: St. Luke's School, 487 Hudson, NY, 10014
Click here for a map.

Tonight, we are honored to visit Ms. Kim Allen, teacher and activist, at St. Luke's School in the West Village. Ms. Allen will present on ways to use new media to inspire empathy and activism in students.

St. Luke's is a locked community. You MUST arrive by 6.30pm to be admitted to the presentation. Please contact me if you are lost: 917-232-8023.

6-6.30: Arrive at St. Luke's
6.30-6.45: Collect LAP binders
6.45-7.45: Presentation by Ms. Allen
7.45-8: Q & A with Ms. Allen
8-8.15: Q's for Jen

Reading, Watching & Acting:
- RESPONSE - Take a moment to ask Ms. Allen a question or to respond to her presentation.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Session Fourteen: The Age of Misinformation

Dear Mass Communication & Society students; I hope everyone is nearing completion of their final LAP binder. I will collect binders from Campaign Managers on April 30th. Below is a slightly revised Campaign Checklist reflecting the changes we discussed in class on April 9th. We will be meeting at St. Luke's School on April 30th (more info to follow), so be sure to bring your binder and all owed materials with you. I will have a 3-ring hole punch if anyone needs it.
All late assignments MUST be to me NO LATER THAN April 30th!
- Session 15 -

Project: Complete all campaign materials.
Reading: Disinformacracy - H. Rheingold

    - Extra Credit - Attend the Daydream Believers lecture sponsored by the Center for Communication on Thursday, April 24th, 6.30pm thru 8pm. See details here.

    Click on the image below for a printable view of the revised campaign checklist.

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    SESSION THIRTEEN: Mass Media Literacy

    No class. In lieu of tonight's session, please complete shooting of your public service announcement. Contact me via email if you have any questions or concerns.

    - Session 14 -

    Writing: na
    Viewing: Manufacturing Consent, 1992.
    Project: Complete PSA, blog & surveys.
    Reading: Media Control - Chomsky
    - Extra Credit - Attend The Age of Google lecture sponsored by the Center for Communication on Thursday, April 17th, 6pm thru 8pm. See details here.

    Wednesday, April 09, 2008

    SESSION TWELVE: History and Human Rights

    President Bush surrounded by reporters - NYTimes (2007).

    We will use tonight's session as our final in-class work day. LAP groups meet to finalize their campaigns, set shooting schedules and revise survey and online content. Campaign managers must turn in the final LAP binders NO LATER THAN the start of class on April 30th. Late work will not be accepted.

    - DUE SESSION 13 (04/16) -

    Writing Assignment: na
    Viewing Suggestion: News War (Frontline), 2007.
    Project homework: Shoot PSA. Get blog online.
    Reading: Media Control - Noam Chomsky (text)

    - EXTRA CREDIT - View News War. React to the documentary by explaining at least two current dilemmas in the news industry today. Can these dilemmas be resolved? How?

    Wednesday, April 02, 2008

    SESSION ELEVEN: Agency and Social Change

    Tonight, we welcomed a special guest presentation by the Women's Press Collective. WPC's volunteer coordinator Lisa Daniels led the evening. The talk focused on grassroots media and on the past and present work of WPC. While media bashing is common in our course, tonight we learned that the power of media can be used for good; it can offer agency, leading to social change and empowerment.

    - DUE SESSION 12 (04/09) -

    Writing Assignment: na
    Viewing Suggestion: Zapruder Film (1963)
    Project homework:
    Shoot PSA. Get blog online.
    Infamous Zapruder footage of JFK assassination - Nov. 23, 1963