Our investigation focused upon understanding The Propaganda Model put forward by politico-cultural theorists Chomsky and Herman. Propaganda is the "deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist" (Propaganda and Persuasion). Propaganda can involve direct channels, such as poltical campaigns, or indirect channels, like movies and soft drinks. Effective mass propaganda promotes culture war by adding rhetoric and bread-and-circus rule to culture industries. The result is a society lacking critical power.
- DUE SESSION 10 (3/26) -
Writing Assignment: Journal 9
Viewing Assignment (required): The Persuaders: Frontline, 2004.
Project homework: Submit PSA script.
- The Mass Culture/Mass Society Hypothesis – A Berger (pp. 187 - 220)
- Unwrapping Use Value – S Willis (pp. 334 - 350)
- What culture or lifestyle did the product/idea promote?
- What rhetorical strategies persuaded you to buy the product/idea?
- Who or what sold you the product/idea?
- How does the product/idea participate in propaganda?
The Persuaders
Viewing the persuaders has opened my eyes to advertising, and how different products are used,to get the comsumers to buy the products being advertise by the company. The last product which I had brought,was Pantene Pro-v shampoo,conditioner, and deep conditioning mask for the hair. The culture of this product, is geared to black women, who perm their hair, and tying to stop the breakage, and promote healthy hair for women of color. I bought the product, because looking at the commerical with the hair before, and after, showed how healthy the hair looked after the shampoo was used. Going into the beauty supply store, and talking with a Africian American women who stated how she used the product, and the out come was really good. In addition, seeing her hair, and how healthy her hair looked, sold me into buying the product.
The way the product participate in progaganda, is the use of another product that have the same results as Pantene pro-v, and it claims to have the same results. Therefore, the idea of a new product, is something that has just gotten better with different names, to the sister porducts.
Linda Shorts
The Persuaders
Advertisements, advertisements everywhere you look on the media, on buildings, in subways and people are handing out flyers adverting different kind of products.
On the persuaders Naomi Klein said “consumers are like roaches” I think what she should have said was that the adverting companies are like roaches popping up everywhere coming out of the woodwork. It is like when you cut the light out at night and you have roaches that is when they come out well so does the people from adverting companies look for a place to nest a building to put up their adverting.
In the last week or so I brought a jar of Ambi it is a skin discoloration fade cream. The culture of the product was aimed at women of color. What promoted me into buying Ambi was on the television they show you a woman of color that they claimed used Ambi and her skin is even toned and smooth looking.
The rhetoric they used was for example: “when you use Ambi even your grandchild would not know you” and then they show you a child and a women and the child does not know who she is. That sold me on buying my first jar of Ambi because I also would love to have an even skin tone.
The way the adverting company of Ambi used propaganda was tricky they played on women’s emotions, vanity because all women want to look the very best they can at any age.
Betty Corbett
Frontline November 9, 2004. The Persuaders:
My analysis of the Frontline video really confirms how advertising strategist informs, influence and persuade people to buy a certain product. In their efforts to be effective, advertising strategist know how to attract attention and how to gain the public’s interest in whatever product they are selling.
My recent purchase was a Global Positioning System (GPS). This product was developed specifically for people like me, who are constantly on the move and don’t want to be bogged down with the use of maps. It helps you to get to your destination faster and more effectively with the aide of a voice simulator that guides you through every aspect of your journey. The GPS works by satellite, so it tracks your exact positioning and responds to parameter maps that were pre-programmed in the unit. The voice simulator directs every details of your journey from when to make turn, whether right or left with a chime reminder when the turns are approaching to how long the trip will take and the distance.
The sales person who assisted me during my purchase of the GPS was very convincing. The message the sales person conveyed about the system and the advantages that was build into it, really persuaded me to purchase it. If anyone wants to learn about the Global Positioning System and its use, there is information posted on the internet about it
Dawn McKenzie.
The persuaders
Viewing this video had taught me a lot about advertising and persuasion. People are always trying to get the consumers to buy their products. They post advertisements all over the place, or any space that is available. A couple of months ago I saw commercials on television promoting the new play station three. The product was very convincing. It’s not only a video game system but its an entertainment system. It has a built in computer and DVD. It also has blue ray. I felt as if this new system would be very useful for me. It is always good to have the latest technology.the culture of this product are the children and teenagers,to give them entertainment at home.I saw my sister and her family enjoying the new system and it made me want it even more, so eventually I bought it.
The play station advertising is very good and convincing because not only do children want it but adults do too.
Martha Fuentes
The Persuaders, 2004
I recently purchased skin care products and after viewing "The Persuaders, I understood the mechanics involved to lure me to buy it. The Persuaders showed the depth and research involved in order to target individuals and have them use/buy products.
The facial product I purchased "Murad skin care' stated in an Ad, that it's products guaranteed clear, youthful looking, toned, beautiful skin. The greatest stategies used were the fact that i saw the Ad in diferent magazine and almost all the mags listed this product as the top ten best product of all time. Additional propaganda included ratings by "doctors".
This skin care line is only offered online and prior to purchasing, it askes several questions about your body and offers suggestions. It also show Dr Murad "decked" out in doctor's overall with a statement about extensive testing of the products and it effectiveness.
The product promotes the culture of beauty and youth and if it delivers what promised, i will become part of the propaganda by letting others know about its success.
Dionne Vincent
Clariol Hair dye
The product promoted youth and an active lifestyle. The persuasion to buy the product was the sale in the store "buy 2 for the price of one" and placed on the front ailse.
The colors and the package were the selling ideas. It participates in propaganda by having me to believe that if I dye my hair with this product it not only changes the color but conditions and strenghtens the hair, and makes me more attractive and full of energy as the youth or people without grey.
The Persuaders;
Looking at the Persuaders let me know how advertising can influence people and what they buy, and how we look at ourselves. Advertising not only influence the consumer it can also persuade the people on how to vote.
The last product I brought was New Vibrant Hue Color and Shine Lipsticks by Cover girl. The culture of that product geared toward black women. It state that “now there’s a vibrant color for every woman of color”. I brought the lipstick because the commercial show Queen Latifah with the lipsticks on and she really look good with it on.
The way the adverting company of cover girl used propaganda was by using a famous person Queen Latifah and she may not even use cover girl. They even name the product Cover Girl Queen Collection. All women want to look good.
Denise Bradley
After viewing the Persuaders and observing how companies are able to strategize and coerce consumers into purchasing products, I felt overwhelmed. Normally, my purchases are based on what’s on sale and not from commercials seen on television or else where. However, I was surely taken by the Fabreze commercials I have seen on television. The culture this product promotes is that everything will smell clean and crisp. The rhetorical strategy used is that the product will eliminate odors and create an atmosphere of being in some sort of paradise. I am greatly influenced by this product because after my boys are finished running and playing basket ball, I use the Fabreze to spray dirty clothes and sneakers. There is a lot of propaganda surrounding this product because of other brand names and stores brands that is supposedly better. After trying a couple of store brands I decided that Fabreze is the one for me, even if it is more costly.
Yvette S.
Viewing The Persuaders was very interesting to watch, how tough advertisers have it trying to pit against each other. The last product I purchased was Proactiv for my teenage son. His pleading which was emotional sold me to this product. This product is advertised in TV commercials, magazines and they even have booths set up in the malls geared towards teens, who at that age do suffer from acne. The rhetoric strategy used is how it will clear your face, where they show the worse scenarios of individuals with badly scarred acne to a clear face after weeks of use. I personally purchase items or styles of clothing dependly on how they fit. I am not one to purchase famous brand name sneakers for the hype, no matter how much my children may steer towards trying to make me hip.
G. Martin
Journal 9
Carmen Cintron
This week I bought a pair of shoes from payless. I shop at payless because it meets my budget. My lifestyle is simple and affordable. I don’t buy brands because they don’t matter to me. I don’t need a ready made identity. I’m comfortable in my skin, and I don’t need to represent someone who I am not. The ads I’ve seen for payless if memory serves me were with Star Jones (a former ‘The View’ host). Her ads were effective because at the time she was over weight, thus making the consumer feel that these shoes were for the ordinary person. The strategy in her ads was basically comfort, and that’s appealing to everybody. Of course the propaganda in the ad was that we all know that Star Jones was not buying Payless Shoes; given her wealth. But still she was in my opinion convincing.
In "The Persuaders," Frontline explores how the cultures of marketing and advertising have come to influence not only what Americans buy, but also how they view themselves and the world around them. Last week I bought some dress shirts for my son. The rhetorical strategies that persuaded me to buy these shirts were Macy’s was advertising a big one day sale and the shirts were brand name at a reasonable price. The culture that the product promotes is you get a quality brand name on sale plus a twenty percent discount. Brand name products are increasingly adopting the roles traditionally occupied by social and religious institutions. I received a magazine from Macy’s, and saw the advertisement on the brand name shirts and of course I had to buy them. For me it was saying great quality for a low price, and that sold me the product. Nevertheless, ads commonly allure us these days with a fantasy that you can be "empowered" by the product. This constant emphasis on "power" at its crudest forms a most unhealthy propaganda on behalf of individual domination. To cut through mass-media clutter and to overcome consumers' growing resistance to their pitches, marketers have developed new ways of integrating their messages deeper into the fabric of our lives, using sophisticated market research techniques to better understand consumers, and turning increasingly to the little-understood techniques of public relations to make sure their messages come from sources we trust.
Sharon Teekasingh
Frontline - The Persuaders
Although I did not watch the full program, I am familiar with the propaganda that has always fed the masses ... it is clear that advertising works. Even a skeptic like myself falls prey. Recently I purchase a so-called eye serum that is suppose to brighten, lighten and eliminate the fine lines around the eyes while adding years to your life. Now we all know that taking care of your health, and genetics plays a major role in the aging process. But we, especially women, still purchases the snake oil. The product was pitched to the baby boomers women. The strategies they use was a young woman who hasn't age to the point of fine lines and good advertisement sold me the product.
Catherine Lewis
Last week I had an opportunity to go with my teenager daughter to purchase a pair sneakers. As we approached the store to go inside, the outside display window had a sign that stated “lowest prices on sneakers”. There were at least 30 pairs of sneakers on display in the front window. The vibrant multi-colored sneakers caught the eyes of many of the consumers going into the store. My first impression of the sneakers was “Crayola Crayons.”
When we got inside of the store to browse at the various sneakers, I immediately categorized the sneakers as “urban” trend. Not only were the sneakers in the category of urban lifestyle but the venue of the store was also urban. They had the hip-hop music playing, teens singing and moving to the music- even my head was moving to every other beat. I thought to myself, this is where the rhetoric begins “the art of persuasion.”
Then it happened; my daughter saw the “got to have it” sneaker. The sneaker that had the big bold sign next to it saying “NEW” Unknown to me, my daughter had decided she had to get the latest sneaker and all she need to see was the sign “NEW”. Yes, the sign “NEW” sold her but it didn’t sell me. In addition to the sign, there was a crowd of teenagers including my daughter gathered around this particular sneaker trying to decide the color (even though each sneaker had many colors) - they wanted and how it would match their outfits. To make matters more persuasive the salesperson was encouraging the teens to purchase the sneakers by saying “last chance to purchase the hottest sneaker.” Why did my daughter only hear the words last chance?
At that moment my daughter was sold even more and wanted me to be sold at that point. My daughter asked the salesperson for her size and he did return with her size. She tried them on and they looked great to her, the salesperson and to the other teens that were trying on sneakers. They still looked like crayons to me. At that point the salesperson explained this was the last pair the store had in my daughter’s size and he was giving me the best price and could not offer me a lower price. My daughter looked at me with a look of desperation. This still didn’t sell me; but when the salesperson gave me a coupon to receive an additional 20% off the price of the sneakers - that convinced me to buy the sneakers.
“The art of rhetoric at its best.”
The fact that propaganda continues to play such an intricate part in why a person will purchase an item is truly amazing; for example - in this case it was the coupon that was offered to me when the salesperson realized that I was not going to purchase the sneaker at the price they were asking. The fact of the matter was there was a sign on the outside of the store that stated “lowest price on sneakers” it did not say that coupons were available.
T. Williams
The culture and lifestyle promoted here is the urban community. We see here among the hustle and bustle of New York City that we are buried under millions of advertising ads. We are also seeing that advertisers today are trying to make us spiritually identify wit products moreso than just buying them.
In most cases, television ads and commercials influence me to buy products. I feel that promotional ads participate in propaganda when they aim to make us think that the use of a certain product is right for everyone.
David Esquilin
The last product that I have purchased was a couple of Avon cosmetics, most of Avon merchandise geared towards women and also men, Promoting Avon’s products and high chance of increasing direct-sales is to offer incentives to its consumers. Incentives provide a positive motivational influence to encourage and excite buyers to buy the products. Such incentives, appropriate for this situation, are coupons, rebates, product samples and awards. Coupons can be attached in mail, beauty magazines, newspapers, and advertisements on mail or on the Internet company’s official website. Rebates can be offered also to attract more buyers to buy the products. Rebates can be advertised also on coupons through mail or the Internet. Another successful way of attracting consumers is by offering samples of Avon’s cosmetic products, which can be done door-to-door or attached on an advertisement through mail. Finally, awards through prizes, contests or sweepstakes can offer consumers the chance to win something small or big like cash or a free-trip to the Bahamas. Also, prizes can be offering a free gift whenever a consumers purchase one of Avon’s products. This last incentive option attracts more attention from consumers than the three other options. Advertising is the key to attracting consumers and the outcome is high sales. Such advertisement is done through media (television), mail, or the Internet. The more awareness from the public of the company the more likely to attract more buyers and the outcome is high sales.
The journal about avon is from Jennifer Romain
Viewing the persuaders has opened my eyes too how advertising and the many different products are use like progaganda. there just there to atrract the public to listen and buy what they are selling. for instance Nutrisystem, I brought into it in 1990. spent 1400.00 buy the time i was finished. the results came very fast lost 70 pounds in 9 weeks. after lossing i decided to not buy the food anymore. within one to twoo weeks i gained 3 lbs back. i was only eating salads and fruit and drinking only water. the thing is that the food they were selling me made me loss the weight that was it. if i did'nt use the food i will gain. that the stratgies they get you with.
Ethel Thiam
The last peice of entertainment i brought and it was recently was DVD Drama from Korea called Time of Dog and Wolf, really it is a whole list of them, this was my favorite. I chose this peice of entertainment because KBS is a free Korean channel with Time Warner Cable and i beleive that is free because they want everyone to see how they live and what there culture is about, for me i am finding alot about the Korean Culture and one thing i found out was that they have soaps except they call them dramas and these drams actully most of the time promte and include thier real life styles, which i guess brings us to the next question, the fact that thier drams include real life into them not like the American soap do with bringing in vampiers and things everyone is rich, no they show how the poor, modest and rich live, they show how proud they are as a people of their culture. The actors sold me the product, it's like when they get a part they tie it thier real life, and some of them actually have been through
even harder or better times.The propaganda used for me was that the reality of the programs, they show things that can happen in real life for them, the food they eat, the clothes they wear, they way the raise their children, language they speak and the way that they speak it. I would say for me that the KDramas (what they are called) have me interested in the way that they live, and learn the language and also i see a different side to televison because they do have there own way of making movies and doing televsion, they take it more seriously because bascilly everything they do is based on thier culture.
Octavia :)
As i viewed the persuaders i have a different outlook on advertising and its products. It's amazing how advertising a particular product can have so much power and control over your lifestyle. Advertising has really advanced and has helped me make a decision on purchasing my hair products. Also, i take opinions from my friends and coworkers when i am indecisive about which products to purchase. I totally agree with my fellow classmates especially those who spoke about the various hair products and when they its time to purchase hair products it is always a dilemma for me. Unlike anything else, when it comes to going to the beauty supply store it is usually time well spent, those of you ladies who can testify with me understand what i mean. Recently i went to the beauty supply store to purchase hair products i spent $50.00 and guess what i enjoyed every bit of the money i spent because it was something for me and i needed the products that i purchased. My friends later told me that the products that i purchased, shampoos, conditioners, and other hair supplies were the brand that was most marketable so that made me even more ecstatic to say the least. and i was on my lunch hour, well long story short i was late returning from meal. (I didn't get in trouble, but i was running back to the office so fast, i had a good laugh on the way).
Cathy E, Page
The Persuaders
The viewing of the persuaders was amazing. Its focus was on advertising creativity that persuades consumers to buy products that are being advertised by their company. I purchased 2 bottles of Vaseline with Cocoa Butter, deep conditioning body lotion with vitamin E. It was in a beautiful bronze bottle and it looked as if it were geared to people of color that had very dry skin. It also resembled the shampoo and conditioner bottle of Pantene Pro-V for women of color.
I saw the advertisment for this product in a magazine and the model that was in the picture made it seem as though this product would even your skin tone along with keeping your skin moist. I searched in three different stores before I found this lotion.
The propaganda that Vaseline used was having this beautifully bronzed young woman in this magazine to make everyone believe that using this new product would make your skin look this way. It was also next to an older woman that had many wrinkles.
Aquilla Anderson
The Persuaders,
Viewing this article has made me realize just how advertising works and the influence of advertising. I understand how they lure me into buying their products by all the ads and advertisement.
I recently brought clear skin facial cleanser. The culture of this product is geared to women who has acne on their face. While it is a deep cleaning for the skin it suppose to prevent acne from coming back. i brought htis product because of all the clearskin commercials on television.
The way the advertising company uses propaganda is they place all these pretty women on tv without acne and they make us want to look just like them.
Nicole A.
After watching the persuader i realized that most things that i purchased were persuaded in the advertisements that i have seen. I choose entertainment as my choice of products. I recently purchased a flat screen hd tv. The sails men said don't just by a flat screen get an hd flat screen. Sooner or later ordinary tv's won't work. So i said ok. The objective of an hd tv's is to make the picture clearer so that you will be able to see down to the pimple on the persons skin on the tv. society now makes people who don't have high definition tv feel like their missing out on something great and spectacular. So people like me run out an spend all their hard working money on some silly tv that probably don't work in a couple of years. This ad targets every one because almost everyone watches tv. Every one wants to see things clearer. This ad in particular lurs people who are sports, music and movie fants. The want to view their shows in the best quality their is so they will pay the cost.
People who don't have hd tv, on the real are saving lots of money. Because getting a high definition tv requires you to pay for a different cable box and also to pay more on you monthly cable bill. To me regular cable and hd cable looks the same. I cant really tell the differences. But if people think they are getting something better by having hd tv, they are wrong both hd and no hd is getting the same show at the same time.
nekeisha Forbes
The last product I bought was Proactive Solution, the target I believe is teenagers, because they are the ones who suffer the most from acne. The proaganda is that after seeing their favorite star telling them that they too suffer acne and if they use this three step program. And help raise their confedence level by not having to worry about how you look and their image is very important to them.
The last product I purchased was a group effort with my sister-in-law, cell phone. I want to check out the lastest slimmer style cell phones. On the other hand, she needed to purchase a phone.
We were in the store a long time, i begin to remember the advertisement on "Fab five". This product promotes the idea that if you do not have five people on your cell phone that you are not cool. In reality, everybody probaly has five numbers anyway. Your spouse, child, grandparents, siblings, work, school, doctor's office and a best friend just to name a few.
We enjoy taking pictures so she had to purchase a camera phone. I agree also with my classmates, the way the product participate in progaganda, is the use of another product that have the same results, it's a matter of your preference.
Denise W.
Oil of Olay age defying cream:
The product promoted "the fountain of youth." it claims to reverse the signs of aging.
The rhetorical strategy used was younger models or not so "old" women (posing to be 60 year old) wearing make-up.
I was sold on this idea because they said "your getting older..." I never though about wrinkle reducers or skin firming anythings before, until that statement. It hit me that "I" too am getting older and maybe I should try to slow my own aging process.
This idea articipates in propaganda through trickery and manipulation. The commercials and Ads use young models or slightly older women, posing to be 60, wearing make-up. I'm sure if they were to show a real 60 year old woman with no make-up, then that product would fail to sell.
Michelle B.
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